Belated birthday swim, belated birthday swim post*

 This was the first, last, and only swim of 2020 that felt like a (fairly) normal Yeti swim. We socially distanced in and out of the water and shared household made their own pods. We had a few one-time editions to the Pandemic Pod, but everyone played by the rules :) It was also a celebration of Amanda's birthday! (Together we are 11/12/13 since I was born on 11/12 and she was on 11/13.)

Socially distanced Birthday Pod.
This is what much of 2020 felt like. 

In a lot of ways, this is the most important swim of 2020 for me. The people that matter were there, including my beau Matty. He rarely comes to my swims but brought the dogs and paddle boarded. We inducted a new Yeti into the pod according to tradition, with a Yeti hat! It's exciting to see someone hesitantly approach cold water and embrace it. Most years we have several people that join the group, but this year just the one. She was already showing up and swimming at the same time as us, so it made sense to invite her to join. What a treat it is to watch her swim! I've got to study, so I'll let the photos tell the story. (All photos by Robin D. and Amanda C.)

Newest Yeti!

Dixie Mae is the best hot water bottle, she's always warm!
{*note: this celebration occurred on 11/14 before the new coronavirus mandates took effect in Multnomah County, Oregon on 11/18... I'm just super slow at posting swims.}


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