Lower Willamette Swim-a-thon (and I suck at blogging)

Howdy! It's been a minute...and about 193,463m (but who's counting??) since I last updated the blog. I guess you could say I've been busy. Since June, I've completed my last semester of didactic coursework for my OTD, swam another personal Portland Bridge Swim, and made 4-mile morning swims a fixture in my week. I've also kinda sorta started training for and then talked myself into a 24.3-mile swim. Oops. It'll be on August 21st and aims to raise some $$ for Human Access Project and Black Swimming Initiative. More about that here: https://sites.google.com/view/angieswims-swim-a-thon2021 I've had the please of swimming with new friends and old over the last two months and logged more miles of smiles than I can count (Okay, that's a lie, I totally count every single one!) I'll fill in the highlights starting with the most recent. Tracy returned to the North West! I drove up to Seattle last Sunday and spent two days with her swimming at Alki. The water was so clear that on our first swim I saw tons of crab, a school of tiny silver fish, numerous sea anemones, and even a baby octopus!
Personal Bridge Swim 2021 was a success!
Video coming into the finish!
I met a new friend, Lauren, and we've revised the Broughton Sunrise Swims this summer edition. It's been too long since getting in before sunrise.
Matthias came back for another summer, which is such a treat! The Broughton Crew keeps expanding and we're nearly 10 swimmers strong, though I don't think we have yet to all show up at once. I have had the pleasure of doing a 2.5 hour swim at Broughton and watching friends come and go doing their morning swims. What else. Oh! I took a long weekend in mid-June and took a solo trip up to Seattle to swim with the Notorious Alki Swimmers. Hm... I think that's it.
More adventures to come yet! My mom is visiting and we're taking a trip to Waldo Lake and I'm heading to a wedding next weekend not too far from Lake Billy Chinook, so I might swing by there on my way for an epic dip. Clear Lake is on the way home too...


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