While working on my doctorate in occupational therapy, I found it nearly impossible to keep appointments with myself to swim. Now that I'm an OT swimming remains my most valued occupation and keeps me strong physically and mentally. Swimming is how I recharge, connect with myself, and manage my mental health. Let's dive in!
RTAI 9.23.23
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Mid channel to Alcatraz
Round Trip Angel Island (RTAI)
A month ago now I was walking out of the water (at about the time I'm starting this post) after swimming 7 hours 50 minutes and 9 seconds in the San Francisco Bay. The course was the famous Round Trip Angel Island, one of the Toughest Thirteen according to MSF. Leading up to this swim I was a nervous wreck. This past summer was especially tough. After a successful, but painful, Portland Bridge Swim I had to cancel my planned Three Islands Waldo Lake route to focus on stroke work with Intrepid Water (more later in this post on my work with Shannon at Intrepid Water) and shoulder recovery. I felt undertrained and like I was still mending when my feet hit the water in Aquatic Park at 3AM on September 23. For all those feelings of trepidation, I made it through- in large part to my crew: Sue Phillips, Wendy "Pepper", Vicky Miller, and Sumner Williams; piloted by Tom "Reptile" Linthicum on the Ghostrider and observed by Cathy Harrington. The below video by Pepper gives a good overall picture of the swim.
Entering the water I remember thinking that it felt warm, but it could be that I had been standing outside in my DryRobe for about an hour waiting for the start. For whatever reason, I am glad it felt warm and comfortable, if I had felt cold off the bat it would have likely been in a poor mindset from the beginning. It ended up taking me quite some time to get to that place. The beginning of the swims was FAST I remember approaching Alcatraz and thinking, "How am I here already?" I felt strong, nothing hurt, it was dark and I was swimming into the dawn- one of my favorite things. I remember the glow of light coming from the east and the breeze picking up slightly, a harbinger of the sunrise. As we continued our approach of Alcatraz a massive barge changed course to avoid us- and it was close- I could feel the water humming with the engine. Sue said I was fine, so I put my head down and kept going. As we reached Angel Island I took a feed and my stomach started to protest all the liquid I'd been shoving down my gullet and I had my first (but not last) little mouth vomit. I hoped this was a one-and-done situation and I wouldn't be sick all swim. Alas, it was the first of many. I would continue to vomit periodically for the next 3 or 4 hours. I stopped eating for a while to let my stomach calm down and finally kept some Gatorade and banana down midway between Angel Island and Alcatraz on the way back to Aquatic Park. Anyway, swimming around Angel Island went so fast that I hardly had time to enjoy the scenery, but I did get serenaded by coyotes at sunrise.
Raccoon Straits went by without a hitch, I was well aware of where I was because of the buoy and was instantly prepared to be stopped dead in my tracks, but I wasn't! Better swimmers than I have been stalled out at Raccoon Straits for an hour or more on this swim, but the sea was with me and I plowed right on through, minus some of my feeds 🤮.
CC RTAI Track.rs map Note: the swim was counterclockwise
Exiting Angel Island is where everything changed. My legs started cramping and became dead weight, whenever I kicked (which I am fond of to take pressure off my shoulders) my whole body was gripped by extreme cramps. My triceps started to cramp. I remember thinking "I can swim without my legs, but not without my arms" (in the video this is the "I don't think I'm going to make it" moment). I switched to focusing on my rotation and "balancing on a ski" to increase my glide and reduce my effort. Then the Gatorade and banana stayed down, then the flat Coke stayed down and I started making progress again. Oh, yeah, I stalled out for about an hour hardly making any progress, but then I started to move. I was so pissed during that part of the swim, I was trying so hard and going nowhere, but when I started moving I stopped- gave The Rock The Finger, and shouted "Fuck you, Alcatraz!" It was at that moment I knew I would finish.
Entering the channel between Alcatraz and Aquatic Park my crew told me I had to go faster, I was in danger of being hit with the flood tide and missing my window to enter Aquatic park and finish my swim. I took the last of the flat Coke (might have been something else, IDK) and gave it my all. I sprinted for everything I was worth for that last half mile or so. I felt POWERFUL. After almost 8 hours and very little to eat, I felt like a beast. I cruised through Aquatic Park, feeling good (other than my throat was raw from vomiting for hours, my shoulders tired, and my mouth feeling fuzzy from salt water), and exited the water under my own power.
Walking out at Aquatic Park
I cannot describe the feeling of finishing after this swim. RTAI is by far the toughest swim I've done to date. I hated it and loved it, I wanted it over and wanted it to go on longer all at the same time. It wasn't the distance, or time in water that made it hard, it wasn't even getting stopped at Alcatraz- all of these things have happened before to me on swims, it was nausea (that I'm still having a month later), constant hunger (God, I was so hungry the whole time but didn't dare eat), and the leg cramps that made it difficult. But! Now I know I can handle it. I know what I need to work on for next time because there is a next time: Catalina Channel August 2024.
Left to right: Tom, me, Pepper, Sue, and Vicky
A special thanks goes to Shannon at Intrepid Water. I contacted her 8 weeks before my swim with shoulder impingement and rotator cuff tenderness. I know my stroke was whack after some less-than-stellar coaching over the winter and needed help in a hurry. I completed her 6 week self-paced freestyle fundamentals and it got my stroke back to a good enough extent that I was able to complete the swim with virtually no shoulder pain. I am now working with her in an advanced skills course and can't wait to get my speed back and refine my storke to swim even further- Catalina Channel after all is much farther than RTAI, hopefully less vomit.
Pinholes, cracks, abrasions. They're unavoidable and death for swim buoys. Fortunately, they can be patched and stretch out the life of the buoy. Unfortunately, some holes are harder than others to successfully patch. To illustrate I have patched three different buoys of different construction with holes in different places. I'll follow up at the end and report which buoys are doing the best one month after being patched. You will need the following things to begin. 1. Dish soap & bathtub or bucket full of water. 2. Rubbing alcohol. 3. Duct tape or masking tape. 4. Aquaseal brand wetsuit cement (Try others, but this is the brand I've used for years to repair gear. It can be purchased at REI, Wal-Mart, or most marine supply stores.) 5. Something to spread it with (I frequently will use cardboard and cut it into scrapers) paper towels. 6. Patience. 7. More patience. 8. If you're messy like me: Craft gloves. Aquaseal gets everywhere and does ...
The start of 2024 marks the start of training, and planning, for Catalina Channel- both of which are epic feats in themselves and happen before I hit the water in Doctor's Cove. In talking to folks over the years people are always wowed by the swimming part, but really it's the planning and the crew that are most impressive. So, on my journey to Doctor's Cove, I'm going to bring the whole Internet along for the ride, well maybe not the WHOLE INTERNET just the handful of folks that read my blog. To start things out, this is my spreadsheet: Catalina Training Yeah, it's a training plan/tracker and you can follow along with what I actually do to get ready for the swim. I'm working on a Spotify playlist too, if you have recommendations for pump-up songs- put them in the comments! This past November I attended Swim Camp Catalina for my birthday and got to know the water there a little bit. I swam with bioluminescence for the first time, a truly mesmerizing experien...
It's taking me a long time to start writing, or even think about writing this post. I didn't post all summer while I was training for Catalina Channel, but hopefully this will make up for it. I'm sitting in my car after a brief swim at Broughton Beach following a mediocre to typical day working as an occupational therapist in home health. As I was swimming into shore just now I realized the things that used to frighten me about open water are now the things that excite me. The weeds at Broughton have grown from a few interspersed plants to a virtual forest of underwater plants. The weeds used to terrify me I joked that they were Ursula's garden because the joking made them less intimidating. I would scream and kick and swim as fast as I could to get away from them or through them. Now, I flip over on my back hold my buoy and lazily kick through them sometimes I even giggle because they tickle a little bit when you go through slowly and they don...
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